Get in touch

Transform the way you manage your property with the Rate Plan Manager!

Call us today and increase your revenue!

Let the rate plan manager handle the numbers and drive more revenue, saving you time to focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences by:

  • Tracks occupancy and adjusts your rates dynamically

  • Maximizes your revenue when demand is high

  • Color-coded visual of your occupancy

  • Detailed inventory view

The Rate Plan Manager can show you where your short comings are i.e. low occupancy. DigitalRez Marketing and Ai will successfully help bridge the gap increasing your revenue with RezExpert dynamic pricing set it and forget for the season as your inventory decreases the rates automatically adjust driving up your revenue.

And Much More...

Get Your FREE DEMO and Get Started With Our Rate Plan Manager Today!

Fill in the form below to find out more informtion

or call us on 

1 (888) 777 - 0602

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